
Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer

Original price was: $215.00.Current price is: $190.00.

Neutralizes over 30 noxious EMR fields unique to buildings in the home and workplace.

The Geoclense® is a healthy, negative charge resonance field generator designed to balance the noxious, unhealthy positive charge resonance created by 5G and all forms of EMR, RF, Wi-Fi, Earth Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation.

Product Description

Have you stopped to consider how 24/7 exposure to 5G and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) is affecting you and your family? 

We are bombarded daily by a complex mix of EMR emanating from 5G, Wi-Fi, digital TV’s, Smart Meters, electrical radiation from appliances, power lines and more in our living and working environments.

Did you know?…. We can be exposed to OVER 30 DIFFERENT TYPES of veritable or measurable EMR fields, both known and unknown. Constant exposure to strong electromagnetic forces which create unhealthy energetic conditions may result in mild to major health consequences.

How does the Geoclense® work?

The Geoclense® resin block, called Orgonium® which is unique and exclusive to Orgone Effects® Australia, is a man-made smart crystal formulation which has been frequency infused to produce a healthy negative charge.  This negative charge frequency is carried by the electrical wiring to appliances that create EMF which all have a positive charge; the harmful component of ANY radiation field.  The negative charge from the Geoclense® “neutralizes” or “harmonizes” the positive charge, thus making ALL EMF fields no longer harmful to the human meridian system and organs. 

The Geoclense® also has an earth pin which sends the negative charge directly into the ground to the boundaries of the property to neutralize all harmful Earth Radiation which causes Geopathic stress in the body.

The Geoclense® has been uniquely programmed to neutralize up to 30 different types of EMF, Earth Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation.  Geoclenes® works very much like a salt lamp does, which creates a ‘small’ harmonized field around the lamp with a negative charge.  However, the Geoclense® is effective throughout the whole house and to the boundaries of a property, and in some cases, has a beneficial effect over two or three properties, depending on their size.

The Geoclense® represents 20 years of Intuitive Building Biology Consultancy experience and an intricate and advanced knowledge of the types of harmful electromagnetic fields which may exist within a given space.  The Geoclense® has evolved to be much more than a powerful electrical, 5G and Wi-Fi radiation harmonizer. Over the years, due to our ongoing EMR research beyond the normal, there have been so many more built-in programs added that deal with negative energy imprints; things that you are often not aware of, however, which may be affecting your emotional well-being and ultimately your long-term health.

What types of EMR fields are we exposed to?

The Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer is unique in the world, being the only one of its kind to harmonize over 30 different types of the following harmful, noxious EMR emissions: –

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) produced by…

✓ 5G
✓ Digital TVs
✓ Smart Meters
✓ Baby Monitors
✓ Vaulted Ceilings
✓ Microwave Ovens
✓ Bluetooth Devices
✓ Laptops and Tablets
✓ Fluorescent Lighting
✓ 4G Tower Emissions
✓ Electrical Appliances
✓ Solar Panel Inverters
✓ Mobile Phone Towers
✓ High-Voltage Power Lines
✓ Wi-Fi Routers and Modems
✓ Cordless and Mobile Phones
✓ Artificial Heating and Cooling
✓ Out-gassing from floors, paint, carpets etc.
✓ Noxious Resonance from Mould and Fungus

Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress) produced by…

✓ Earth Fissures
✓ Seismic Fault Lines
✓ Underground Water Veins
✓ Drinking water, sewer, storm and gray water pipes
✓ Radioactive Geological Matter (i.e. Uranium and Coal)
✓ Hartman, Curry, Benker & 400-meter Earth Magnetic Grid Lines

Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) imprinting produced by…

✓ Juvenile emotional stress
✓ Illnesses and diseased organs
✓ Previous occupants’ emotional distress
✓ Negative psychic impressions/Psychic attacks
✓ Death imprints/”Paranormal” Activity – (Read our Blog “Spooky Photos“)

Solar & Planetary Radiation imprinting produced by…

✓ Planetary Retrograde influences
✓ Beta Gamma from X, C & M-class Solar Flares/Solar Winds
✓ Beta Gamma Radiation from Cygnus X3 (for people in the Northern Hemisphere)

Additional unique features of the Geoclense®: –

✓ There is no limit to the size of the property. The Geoclense® has an effective range which will harmonize to the boundaries of the smallest or largest properties.   Not only is your home protected, but your property grounds and animal life as well.
✓ The Geoclense® neutralizes all Earth Radiation.  Fruit and vegetables grown on a property will not be imprinted by radioactive minerals in the soil.
✓ You only need ONE Geoclense® per property/building, including multi-level houses.
✓ The Geoclense® harmonizes radiation caused by 5G.
✓ The Geoclense® will virtually last forever as the negative charge never decays.

To activate the GEOCLENSE®: –

  • Simply plug the Geoclense® into any power point or power board and ensure it is switched “on”.
  • The Geoclense® does not consume any electrical supply.
  • Doesn’t need to be centrally located or in any special location.

What is the difference between the Geoclense® and the Stellar Dome™?

The Geoclense® and Stellar Dome™ both harmonize over 30 different radiation fields to the boundaries of a property.  However, if you have mould and/or vaulted ceilings in your home, you would benefit more from having a Stellar Dome™.

Do you have mould in the roof cavity?  Is it everywhere!  The presence of mould in a house creates a harmful “positive charge” EMF field which some people are extremely sensitive to.  Mould equals radiation which is not a very commonly known fact.  Do you have low vaulted ceilings in the house as they also produce radiation fields that project down like mould. This is because the vaulted ceiling is similar to the underside of a pyramid, which also projects a positive charge downwards.

That’s where the Stellar Dome™ is required because its shape and frequency radiates “upward” to neutralize the “downward” EMF charge.  

The Stellar Dome™ does not remove the mould, it neutralizes the harmful EMF charge which comes with the presence of mould in a roof cavity.

The Stellar Dome™ is also totally portable making it perfect for personal EMF protection when you’re out and about and while traveling.

How is the Geoclense® tested?

Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer has been clinically tested and proven for effectiveness by Accredited health professionals worldwide such as Kinesiologists, Naturopaths, Chiropractors and Bioresonance Practitioners who know how to test an EMR harmonizer and space clearing device.  What they test for is electromagnetic stress on meridians and organs. The Geoclense® is non-placebo and many years of testing proves this beyond doubt.

“The Geoclense deals with EMF and subtle energy, not measured by typical devices that electricians and electrical engineers use. I have tested the effect of the Geoclense on the acupuncture meridian energy of many of my clients. As soon as I place the Geoclense in the test circuit, their meridian energy balances and normalises. That’s how I know it works — by its effect on the body. After all, the whole reason for using an energy harmoniser is to make the body healthier. Balanced meridians is a sign of health. I have done the same test using other devices but never found any effect. That’s another reason why I recommend the Geoclense”.
Marguerite Lane,
Bioresonance Practitioner, Sydney, Australia

It is this knowledge base of the manufacturer of the Geoclense®, Gerard Bini, world-renowned Intuitive Building Biologist and EMF Consultant, with his advanced intuitive energy reading and dowsing skills developed over 20 years, that all contribute to the creation and outstanding performance of the Geoclense®.

How is EMR affecting our health and making us feel?

It is not disputed that noxious electromagnetic fields at any level can trigger biological effects and attribute a diffuse collection of symptoms.  Overexposure to any of the above types of harmful electromagnetic radiation fields at home and work may lead to problems with our health, as EMR creates resonant stress on the human body which directly affects our meridians, organs, cells, immune system, nervous system, hormones and emotional states.

✓ Headaches and Fatigue
✓ Feeling Electro-hypersensitive
✓ Having trouble concentrating and Foggy brain
✓ Trouble sleeping and children suffering bad dreams
✓ Sensing unusual spirit activity/interference at night time
✓ Feelings of discomfort or nausea in certain areas of a building
✓ Negative emotional energies of depression, anxiety and anger
✓ Lethargy or lack of drive to perform the simplest of tasks at home or work

So, what’s the solution?

The GEOCLENSE® Home and Workplace Harmonizer

Stress put on the human body by the different sources of noxious energy emissions are potentially neutralized with a Geoclense® in a building.  Within an instant, the space feels ”lighter” and “clearer” and the well-being of the people may be restored, creating a healthier and happier home and work environment.


A Radiation Free Home =
Healthy Home, Healthier Life

“Out of our 1400 products that we sell, the Geoclense is our #1 bestselling product worldwide.  It is VERY effective and is used by me personally and my family and friends, and they have been assessed by the most critical electro-hypersensitive and energy sensitive individuals worldwide.  It is the single most effective solution for combating Sick Building Syndrome or Geopathic Stress that I know of, in my 27 years of assessing such products.”
Greg Hernon, Natures Energies, Melbourne.

“Received your Geoclense yesterday, thanks for the very fast sending.  Plugged it into the wall and I tried not to be in any advanced positive thinking….”this is going to change everything”, but I must tell you: the house feels better, MUCH better, and I slept very well.  This morning I have much more energy, and somehow, it feels like the house has a white ray around it now.  I am sending my son his Geoclense on Monday, so can’t wait for his reaction too 🙂  Thank you for this great product.”
A.J. – Dubbo, New South Wales

A Geoclense is highly recommended for both Home and Workplace, and when traveling.  (See our “Twin Pack” and “Triple Pack” specials)

Why do I need a Geoclense® for my workplace?

What people don’t realize is that ALL workplaces are the most harmful energetic environments.  This is because there’s generally a higher amount of EMR fields from machines, computers, mobile phone towers, appliances and fluorescent lighting etc.

The other big energetic influence is Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) caused by negative psychic attacks and impressions aimed at the business and the people working within the business, which are electromagnetic imprints created by outside competitors, skeptics, non-supporters, disgruntled customers, disgruntled staff and animosity among staff and management. It’s amazing how different you feel when you remove all forms of Bioplasmic Radiation.  Another reason why people love the uniqueness of the Geoclense®.

Why do I need a Geoclense® when I travel?

For use in hotels, hostels, motels, resorts, holiday houses and apartments.  Plug the Geoclense® in immediately upon arrival as you don’t know what sort of energies may be there to greet you.  A typical Hotel/Motel room would have had many hundreds of people sleeping in the same bed that you are, potentially leaving an overlap of emotional and illness imprints in that bed and within the rooms, which may interfere with your sleep and emotional and physical well-being while on holiday.  These localized fields over the Hotel beds are all neutralized by the Geoclense.

Combine the Geoclense® with a travel adapter to suit the electrical power point of your destination.  Add a touch of harmony to your holiday and travel experience.

“I recently holidayed in a Hotel which had four mobile phone panels attached to the side of the building. The presence of the phone panels virtually made the building uninhabitable for me due to the immediate disturbance I could feel when I entered my hotel room.  I quickly plugged in my Geoclense and within seconds, I felt the space was now clear and I could no longer feel the disturbance stressing my body.  I slept well with the Geoclense plugged in too, which is amazing considering how toxic the room felt upon arrival.”
Leanne C. Melbourne, Victoria

In addition, we recommend our Orgone Ionic Personal Pendants and the new totally portable Stellar Dome™ which were created for continued EMF protection when you’re out and about and away from the protection of the Geoclense® environment at your home or workplace.

The GEOCLENSE® Home and Workplace Harmonizer is sold to over 20 countries around the world.

Choose Orgone Effects® Geoclense® Home and Workplace Harmonizer for yourself and your family, or as a special gift for someone who deserves a healthier home & healthier life.

Healthy Home, Healthier Life

Discover the incredible benefits of Orgone Effects products, designed to harmonize and protect you from harmful EMF radiation. These high-quality energy-balancing devices are perfect for your home, office, or personal use. Whether you’re looking for geopathic stress relief, electromagnetic field protection, or a healthier environment, Orgone Effects has a product for you.

For more information or to explore the full range of Orgone Effects products, visit their website by following this link. Use promo code NORMAN at checkout to receive a 10% discount on all purchases!

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White, Green, Violet Flame


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