Mobile Phone Protection Devices – Are they all safe?

How do you test the effectiveness of Mobile Phone Protection Devices?

How do they actually work? 

Today on the blog we will answer these questions, as well as give you some ideas of the products on the market, and what the differences in them are.

As we all know, mobile phones pose an EMF hazard to everyone who uses them, which is probably around 90% of the population.  There are a multitude of EMF blockers or harmonizers currently on the market all claiming that they make using a mobile phone safer to use.

There are harmonizers like shielding cases which are designed to block the RF wave, and air tube type earphones to stop the EMF causing the thermal effect in the brain or similar harmonizers to our Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer.

Mobile phone radiation protection is all about us and how we are affected by mobile phone use.  So, it stands to reason that the best way to test a mobile phone is to use a modality that shows the body’s reaction.

Orgone Effects Australia has carried out our own testing of these various devices on the market using the human body as the testbed, to determine if the device does do what it claims: stop EMF stress in the body and not just the EMF thermal effect on the brain.

It is a known fact that you just have to “touch” your mobile phone for the body’s meridian system and organs to be placed under EMF stress.  With this kept in mind, if a harmonizer actually works and does what it claims to do, then the human body’s meridians and organs should no longer be under any EMF stress while holding the device.

Thus, harmonizer testing is normally and best performed using Kinesiology by a fully trained and qualified Kinesiologist practitioner, or with traditional EMF testing tools such as Bioresonance machines.  A Mora or Bicom machine will register the body’s meridian and organ energy strengths or weaknesses, showing how a mobile phone is having an effect on the human body when touching it; either good or bad.

Another tool, which is a favourite of mine, is the Biotensor developed by German Scientist, Joseph Oberbach.  The Biotensor is used to detect harmful radiation from a mobile phone and the EMF stress put on the human body’s meridian system and organs.

Other methods of testing are using a Radio Frequency meter which measures the RF “wave” coming from a mobile phone.  However, using an RF meter does NOT give any clear indications as to how the body is reacting to the mobile phone radiations “+ charge” while in use, which is the harmful component of radiation.  The wave is actually harmless, and the RF meter cannot measure the + charge, rendering it a misleading and useless EMF measuring device.


EMF blocking pouches or cases are designed to block or shield the RF wave. They are normally tested with an RF meter, and should the RF meter reading drop below certain levels, the shield is deemed to make the mobile phone “safe to use”.

The very first mobile phone shield we tested was a pouch.  When the mobile phone was in the pouch we tested its effectiveness against the body, however, not in call.

Kinesiology and Biotensor testing did show that the mobile phone was safe.  However, as soon as the phone was in use, i.e. someone touching it, the pouch failed the human testing and immediately caused EMF stress in the body. The other problem we found in our testing was that you couldn’t talk on the mobile phone while it is in the pouch, so it had to be taken out of the pouch so you could talk on the phone, thus offering zero mobile phone EMF protection. That testing was done 10 years ago now, and since then, mobile phone EMF shielding cases have taken the place of the pouch.


The shielding case did not pass any of the human tests we performed because the case had to be partially open to be able to talk on the phone, thus allowing immediate EMF stress to the body. It is interesting that the manufacturers/agents for the shielding cases all claimed some percentage of RF reduction/ability to make safe the mobile phone, however, this was all based-on RF meter readings and no human testing at all.


Another product we have tested are the air tube style headphones used to protect the brain from the RF while in use.  Again, the manufacturer’s preferred testing method was to use an RF meter, and not use any human methods.  However, what is totally overlooked is that most people when they are in call are holding their mobile phone, which immediately sends the body into EMF stress.  The air tube itself, as a resonant cavity, actually sends the harmful +charge to the head.

EMF harmonizers

Hand holding phone sticker

Products like Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizers, are designed to neutralize or harmonize the +charge with a balancing -charge so that the body does not encounter any EMF stress, and the thermal effect from the mobile phone is not having a harmful effect on the brain, as the first point of call.

However, not all mobile phone radiation harmonizers are the same.  We have established that mobile phone radiation harmonizers cannot be tested with an RF meter as they only measure RF waves and not the harmful + charge which is radiation.

You might come across discussions (generally from shielding case distributors) that are not favourable on mobile phone radiation harmonizers because they don’t reduce the RF meter readings.  Whilst for the next example we can discuss the findings of our own Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer- that when tested using the appropriate human method, consistently passes with flying colours because the harmful +charge emitted from the mobile phone has importantly been “neutralized” or “harmonized” with a balancing –charge, making it safe to use as no meridians or organs encounter any EMF stress.

Many Kinesiologists and Bioresonance practitioners around the world who have the correct protocols for EMF testing on a human agreed that the Orgone Effects Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer does perform to its claims, neutralizing the +charge, thus preventing the body from going into EMF stress while in call on a mobile phone.

A Victorian based Kinesiologist, Peter Ferguson, of Quantum Kinesiology provided us with the below feedback voluntarily- and we wanted to share this objective feedback from him.

“A number of years ago I became concerned about getting a “hot-ear” from my mobile phone. After reading and researching the growing scientific evidence that radiation from mobile phones can cause brain tumors, my concern was confirmed when one of my clients at the time, a senior Neurosurgeon at an Australian hospital, told me that he had been extensively researching the effects of radiation from mobile phones over a long period and had found a causative link to brain tumors and cancer. This Neurosurgeon had written and published articles on the subject.

I then researched and bought various products which didn’t seem to make any difference. I eventually came across the Orgone Effects Mobile Phone HarmoniserNo more hot-ear! It worked brilliantly.

I saw the founder of Orgone Effects, Gerard Bini, speak at a seminar sometime after that about Geomancy, an ancient art, and the modern EMF-type problems. I then tried other products Gerard had developed and had them independently tested and confirmed as to their effectiveness.

If anyone is interested in doing their own research, the “International Agency for Research on Cancer” (an arm of the World Health Organization) website, is a great place to start for the scientific evidence of electromagnetic fields being now classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Another great website for scientific proof is which provides some explosive scientific information and an appeal to the United Nations from scientists from over 40 countries to investigate this growing problem.”
P. Ferguson, KinesiologistYarra Junction, Victoria

We hope that this has offered you a little more intel on what to look for when deciding on which appliance is best for you. If you are interested in purchasing ours, please click here.

By Gerard Bini

Founder and Managing Director

Intuitive Building Biologist

Orgone Effects Australia Pty. Ltd.